
Who Should Attend

The California Statewide Conference for Homeless Education is designed specifically for educators and liaisons who support their homeless student population. Connect with your peers to learn best practices, resources, and programs available to help provide your homeless students with the tools they need to excel.

Attendee Registration 

Registration is now open! Review the conference agenda to make your breakout session selections, and click the appropriate buttons below to begin registering as an Individual attendee or as part of a Group. Registrations must be received by 11:59 pm PT on the deadline date to receive the discounted rate.

Early Bird Rate
(until 2/23/2025)
Advance Rate
(until 3/23/2025)
Standard Rate
(until 5/7/2025)
$595 $650 $695

What's included in my Registration?

Your registration includes breakfast and lunch for both days of the conference, as well as light refreshments at the Welcome Reception on Wednesday evening. Hotel accommodations and dinner are not included. NOTE: Conference meals are only available for registered participants of this conference, and badges must be worn visibly at all times. 

Do you offer a Guest Registration option?

No, we do not offer a Guest registration option. Only registered conference participants may attend educational sessions, meals, and receptions. Badges must be worn at all times.

How to Register

Individual Registration Group Registration

Register Me

Register a Group


Registration, Payment, and Cancellation Policies

Payment Information - Credit Card, Checks, or POs

Registrants may pay by Credit card or request an invoice to pay by Check or with a Purchase Order. Invoices will be immediately sent via email as part of your Registration Confirmation. If you have a Purchase Order when registering, please enter the Purchase Order # in the appropriate field and upload the PO in the appropriate field. 

NOTE: PO’s issued after registering must be uploaded to your Attendee Portal, using the link included in your registration confirmation email, so updated invoices can be sent in a timely manner. Failure to do so may delay payment processing, and result in a cancelled registration. Due to the limited capacity for this conference, full payment must be received no later than Friday, April 11, 2025 – an open Purchase Order is not considered sufficient payment. After this date, unpaid registrants with outstanding invoices and unpaid Purchase Orders will have their registrations canceled, so that we can accommodate other participants. 

Checks should be made payable to SchoolHouse Connection (Tax ID: 81-5042929) and mailed to our bookkeeping firm at the following address. Click here to download our W-9. 
SchoolHouse Connection
c/o April Hjelstrom
3033 S Columbus St, #C2
Arlington VA 22206

Cancellation, Substitution & Refund Policies

Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to Refunds will be issued based on the date the cancellation request is received, as outlined below.

Cancellations received before March 23, 2025: Full Refund, less a $50 administrative processing fee

Cancellations received between March 24, 2025 and May 7, 2025: No Refunds will be issued.

“No-Show”s: Registrants who do not show up for the conference and do not cancel their registration prior to the start of the conference will automatically forfeit all registration fees paid.

Substitutions: Substitutions are allowed, and registrations are transferable up to 3 business days prior to the event. Substitutions must be submitted in writing to  by Friday, May 2, 2025.


Participant Code of Conduct/Health & Safety Policy

Registrants must abide by the following:

Any public space where other people are present holds an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases (RSV, flu, Norovirus, etc.). By attending this event, I agree to voluntarily assume all risk related to exposure and agree to not hold SchoolHouse Connection or any of their affiliates including partners and sponsors, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, or sponsored venues liable for illness. I agree to abide by all health and safety protocols in effect at all times while attending this event – these may include engaging in appropriate social distancing, wearing a mask public areas/meeting rooms when not consuming food or beverage, minimize face touching, frequently washing hands, and other health and safety protocols recommended and/or required by the CDC, local boards of health, the venue and/or SchoolHouse Connection to safely host this event. I agree to not attend any SchoolHouse Connection event if I feel ill or had recent exposure to a COVID-19 case.

I will take necessary precautions while at the event including, but not limited to, engaging in appropriate social distancing, wearing a mask in public areas/meeting rooms when not consuming food or beverage, minimize face touching, frequently washing hands and avoiding risky environments such as overcrowded bars or restaurants. I agree to not attend this event if I feel ill or had recent exposure to a communicable disease.

What Health & Safety Protocols will be in place for this event?

SchoolHouse Connection is dedicated to the health and safety of all in attendance. In accordance with CDC guidance, the following policies will be in place, in an effort to keep all participants safe:

  1. We strongly encourage that all participants be fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior to the conference, in accordance with current CDC recommendations for all adults.
  2. The CDC is recommending that all adults eligible for a booster receive one as soon as possible.
  3. Masks: At present, there are no specific mask policies in place across the state of CA or in San Diego County. Participants are welcome, but aren’t currently required, to wear masks. We will continue to monitor all health & safety guidance issued by the CDC and Boards of Health, at the federal, state, and local levels and reserve the right to adjust our policies as needed.
  4. Hand sanitizer will be readily available throughout the meeting space. Participants must take steps to wash their hands before eating and after coughing or sneezing.
  5. We will be utilizing outdoor space for many food functions, and take proper precautions for any buffet stations that may be set.
  6. If you come into close contact with someone who recently tested positive for COVID-19, or if you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms (fever, body aches, headaches, nausea, coughing, runny nose, fatigue, etc.), we ask that you DO NOT TRAVEL to this event and quarantine in accordance with CDC guidelines.
  7. Should participants feel ill while attending the conference, they must immediately notify the conference organizers through our event app and remain quarantined in their room for further guidance.

Please note: SchoolHouse Connection continues to monitor the latest information regarding COVID-19 and the latest variants, and reserves the right to amend these policies as needed in accordance with CDC recommendations and local Board of Health guidelines.